All about Gloria.

This is a picture of me durring a Thespian initiation. (Thespian for life baby!!!!) That would explain the pool floaties and the tankini top. I was defantly not planing to take pictures that day.

This is an older picture of me.

This was for a project in computer class. I redid my picture in Illustrator. I loved working on it. But I refuse to put it up on the web only because I didn't finish it.

so I will try to update this as much as possible. But i think the best way to get info on me if you even care, noone does, would be to go to my blog page. I have a link at the bottom of this page but i'll put it here just to make it eaiser. My blog page

Those pictures were taken of me in my senior year. Which leaves me as part of the lovely class of 2003. So now I am a college student. At California State University of Northridge. I don't love it. I wish i was back at hollywood. But I can't go back. It would be like going back into your mother womb. Okay bad metaphor. I know but that's how i feel. okay basically i just wish time when back and it was a better time. when it was easy and i was happy. but no matter how much i want that it won't happen.

Okay so that is about my senior year. I am a Sagitarius and I like long walks on the beach, candle lit dinners, late night movies, and laying under a full moon. Okay, okay... I couldn't resist the cheesy one liner. Really I am just a student at the moment. I will be an actress in the near future. My resume includes being an extra on the NBC show Mr.Sterling, Aunt Eller in Oklahoma!, and my legendary performance of When your Good To Mama. I can't forget my roots. I am the youngest of two sisters. My older sister is Michelle. My parents names are Joann and Jose. I am part Mexican, Japanese, and Irish. I love my different cultures mostly because no one believes me when I tell them that I am what I am and that's all that I am. Sorry. I couldn't help my self. Well I love animals, my favorite being cats pretty much and thing in the feline family. We just got a couple of bunnies. They are sooo cute. I love watching them walk around the house. The kinda look like frogs in the water. There back legs swiming on the floor. I have three nephews. Daniel, 12, Orlando, 8, and Barry or Little Bear as we like to call him, 3. Okay, okay, enough about me lets move on.

If you wish to see each flag in a bigger size then you can click on it.

This is the best band ever. Okay so i have to give them props even though they don't give me any. ::tear, tear:: Well i had to change some things cause well they hurt now. So much hurts. and all i get is that time will make it better. I don't want time but whatever.


Cold Cut Trio Hollywood High The Spark My blog page
Emode Neopets Friendster

If you click on the Portfolio link it will take you to a nice looking page with all of my projects. You could also click on these links but it dosen't look as nice. These are projects that i did in my senior year in my digital graphics class. I don't know if it's my computer or the actual file but some of the things are slow and not properly working sorry. Since i don't have the programs to fix them they are going to be like that for a while. But i still hope you enjoy.

Alpha Project Art Project Blob Project Evolution Project Go To and Play History Project Jim Mask Mask 1 Mask 2 Skateborder Sonnet Project Worker Project X-ray Project Period 4 Slide Show My First Web Page Portfolio

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